Book / Ser de la Cala

llibre, photobook, ser de la cala

"Our memories are very tricky things – they are partial, emotional, full of gaps and uncertainties, and prone to embellishment. Good ones, bad ones, and everything in between. What was, might have been, could have been, should have been? And what is our role in what we have made prominent in all of this, or shoved aside as faded bits and pieces?"
-- Gerhard Clausing, The PhotoBook Journal.

  Every time I write about Ser de La Cala, now in a book format, I realize that I can rewrite it again and again. And it is that the moments contained in my memory are emerging with new details that pass in front; Fragmented, and remembering the link with one's childhood. The relationship with L'Ametlla de Mar (La Cala) has also changed, and the sense of belonging to the community is altered as time passes. There are conversations that over the years take a particular importance and appear as necessary elements to give continuity to the content of the book. They are part of not wanting to forgot those moments, which now perhaps idealized, are part of the everyday life of a child. These memory capsules have a particular meaning and at the same time are relevant as a mechanism to respond to the whole personal story of each one. Ser de  La Cala is a simple story, but at the same time it happens in stages. It's curiousity about memories what we all want to keep, which moves us to our childhood, through photography with the hope that everything will remains. Media: Gabriela Cendoya - Blog post Gabriela Cendoya - Fotolibros y algo más. Doug Stockdale & Gerhard Clausing - The PhotoBook Journal
imagen libro Ser de La Cala de Gerard Boyer, Ed. FuegoBooks con Roman Yñan y Ignasi Lopez
imagen libro Ser de La Cala de Gerard Boyer, Ed. FuegoBooks
Presentación en ArtDealProject, Barcelona, del libro Ser de La Cala de Gerard Boyer, Ed. FuegoBooks
imagen libro Ser de La Cala de Gerard Boyer, Ed. FuegoBooks
Presentación en ArtDealProject, Barcelona, del libro Ser de La Cala de Gerard Boyer, Ed. FuegoBooks
Gerard Boyer Ser de La Cala